Hop - significado y definición. Qué es Hop
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Qué (quién) es Hop - definición

HOP; Hop (disambiguation); HOP (disambiguation)

short flight
1) a short hop
2) a hop from; to (it's a short hop from Detroit to Cleveland)
1) (d; intr.) to hop into (the children hopped into their nice warm beds)
2) (d; intr.) to hop out of (to hop out of a chair)
·vt To impregnate with hops.
II. Hop ·vi To Dance.
III. Hop ·noun A dance; ·esp., an informal dance of ball.
IV. Hop ·noun The fruit of the dog-rose. ·see Hip.
V. Hop ·vi To gather hops. [Perhaps only in the form Hopping, ·vb.n. ].
VI. Hop ·noun A leap on one leg, as of a boy; a leap, as of a toad; a jump; a spring.
VII. Hop ·vi To walk lame; to Limp; to Halt.
VIII. Hop ·noun The catkin or strobilaceous fruit of the hop, much used in brewing to give a bitter taste.
IX. Hop ·vi To move by successive leaps, as toads do; to spring or jump on one foot; to skip, as birds do.
X. Hop ·noun A climbing plant (Humulus Lupulus), having a long, twining, annual stalk. It is cultivated for its fruit (hops).
I. v. n.
Spring or leap on one leg or foot.
Leap, bound, jump, skip, spring, caper, frisk, frisk about.
Dance, trip.
Limp, halt, hobble, walk lame.
II. n.
Leap, bound, jump, spring, skip, caper.



A hop is a type of jump.

Hop or hops may also refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Hop
1. Hop! Hop!
Johnny English (2003)
2. in hop hop lingo.
Unlabel _ Marc Ecko _ Talks at Google
3. Hop!
Anatomy of Muscle Building _ Craig Ramsay _ Talks at Google
4. Hop!
Anatomy of Muscle Building _ Craig Ramsay _ Talks at Google
5. Hop!
Anatomy of Muscle Building _ Craig Ramsay _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Hop
1. Hip–hop in dance Hip–hop is booming this spring, with three different works on tour.
2. And it shouldn‘t really be a problem, just hop for a bit and buy your stuff and hop quickly home.
3. Story caught Vanity Fair on hop But the Vanity Fair story caught the Washington Post on the hop.
4. But when you‘re doing a hip–hop song, it‘s got a lot of hip–hop movements, thus making the shoot tough but fun.
5. "We allow this language to go on," said Amina Norman–Hawkins, a Chicago hip–hop emcee and executive director of the Chicago Hip–Hop Initiative.